Physicists are amiss in standing
mute with their myriad physical theories, none of which
much concern the origin, constitution, and destination of life. Life,
and consciousness, are
as much physical phenomena
as any other
that is addressed by the theories of academic physics.
Without addressing the physics of
life . . . and consciousness . . . the theories of physics are
incomprehensive, sterile, and rife for the worldwide proliferation of
theological and philosophical mythology. Life,
and its
evolved consciousness, are manifestations of a phenomenon known as: casa. casa
is an acronym for
complex, analog self-adjustment, which describes the causal, and related, creation of all
varied forms of life;
sentient-being consciousness is the most complex manifestation of
casa. Without a clear understanding that life and consciousness are
subject to the
same physical laws as gravity and light, a person of science is easy prey for mythology and
. . . much as is any devout acolyte.
A strong statement by the
scientific community that the fundamental paradigms of physics are theory and
incomprehensive is not enough; the term "theory" when so applied has
evolved, in the public's mind, to connote almost an accepted certainty.
The fact that the currently accepted foundation of academic physics is
based upon metaphysics, and that it scrupulously avoids the issues of life and
consciousness, is seldom, even privately, acknowledged, or so considered, by
physicists; who, for the most part, otherwise, abhor that which can not be
proven. Physicists do adequately
address the
"how of Nature; but, they fall far short concerning an understanding of the
of Nature. It
is because of the misunderstanding of the
of Nature and the physicists' silence concerning life and consciousness that
accounts for much of the self-imposed suffering of the human race.
Physicists tend to present their
theories (the Atomic theory,
Special and General Relativity theories,
Quantum theory, the Big Bang theory,
Black Hole theory, Inflation
theory, Quantum Chromodynamics
theory, et cetera) as fact.
Or, possibly, even more recklessly, most scientists stand aside without
argument and allow others in the general media to present the fundamental and
ancillary theories of physics as fact; often, without any known mention that
they are only unproven theories that are internally inconsistent and fraught
with irreconcilable difficulties and omissions.
Currently, no two fundamental
theories of physics are completely reconcilable with one another.
As with religions that, impossibly, claim that each is infallible, most
likely . . . none are correct.
obfuscation of the
of Reality's perceptions by physicists has encouraged, for all persons, including
physicists themselves, much misunderstanding and subsequent, direct and
consequential, suffering. Myth and
superstition, to any degree, are deleterious.
The inability of most elite
physicists to communicate fundamental theory beyond their
mathematically-oriented, arcane discipline, as reflected by their current
paradigms, as anything other than an impression of their certainty concerning
their general understanding of Reality
egregious and arrogant. And, also,
this lack of critical communication is quite, directly, responsible for much of
said human suffering . . . pain, both mental and physical.
False prophets, that underlie
most that is evil, proliferate when aggressive exposure of myth and superstition
is silent.
must be an emphasis upon removing all excessive metaphysics from the paradigms
of physics; a strong beginning would be to clearly establish that
which is
currently metaphysical and illusionary: such as, the currently accepted concepts
concerning linear space-time and the fundamental forces.
This would create an environment more conducive to alternative theories
and reasoning,
which could be less demanding of enervating faith and more easily understood by
the masses;
and, it would assist with the acceptance of life and consciousness theories into
the collegial domain of academic physics.
for their narrow, of
necessity, transcendental cause is more deceptive as practiced by
physicists than is even that of the theologians and philosophers. Theologians, as represented by the practicing clergy, may be
more actively involved and disingenuous; but, others are able to judge more
easily their deception than that of the theoretical physicists.
philosophers have had little influence upon the thoughts and behavior of the
general public because they cannot even agree among themselves as to the
meanings and interrelationships of their many contentious disciplines; and,
also, for the most part, philosophers have recently abdicated the study of
to the scientists, and metaphysics to the theologians; consequently, there is
very little of substance that remains for the discipline of philosophy.
Science, theology, and philosophy are diverging, increasingly, from their
early historical unity.
Theologians are generally quite
honest concerning their lack of "scientific proof"; and, they are
quite up front about their religious arguments requiring both: a large amount of
faith; and, an acceptance that religious proofs cannot be directly known.
the exact
of the theologians' stance is to
be found concerning the arguments of physicists and,
to a lesser extent, the arguments of philosophers; yet, the analogy, that
fundamental physics' practitioners and their paradigms are analogous to that of
religions' high priests and Scripture . . . is quite apt.
Both are near the apex of elitism; and, neither have any rigorous proofs
as to their most fundamental concepts and beliefs.
There is absolutely no agreement
between world-class physicists as to the nature of any fundamental truth that
underlies any of their primary concepts of space, time, and force; concepts that
are, for the most part, only illusions predicated upon the human condition.
In fact, there is little speculation, at all, concerning the natural
origins of said fundamental concepts;
or, as to the direct connection of physics theory to life and consciousness.
only are all the current, fundamental paradigms of physics quite in error but, also, in error is the
uniform system of numbers which underlies most of the mathematics upon which the
foundation and proofs of physics are established.
The Hindu-Arabic numbering system is both uniform and linear; the only
other such concept in nature that is uniform and linear is Newton's description
of inertia . . . both are without proof . . . both are seriously flawed.
There are no perfectly straight
lines nor perfectly circular circles in Nature. Such
straight lines and circles are only generated at both
limits of the distance
between an ellipse's foci; and precise,
or absolute, limits are only at Infinity,
is beyond Reality. Nature's
fundamental curves are and
sinusoidal, which generate prime
numbers and helical ellipses. Prime
numbers are Nature's numbering
units, which accounts for Nature's exponential-like powers of scale from the
subatomic to the cosmic. Sinusoidal
and elliptic curves are, respectively, the geometric curves of light and
gravity; thus, prime numbers unite the formulas of light and gravity . . .
the quest of Einstein.
Nature's numbering system is
thus, based upon four classes of numbers; rather than, equal units of odd and
even integers. Nature's numbering system is referred to as Conceptual Arithmetic,
a part of Unimetry.
All the current, fundamental
paradigms of physics contain internal inconsistencies; and, none are
reconcilable with one another.
To reconcile and remove the
inconsistencies of current, fundamental theory, and to address the issues of
infinite speed and time, as well as, life and consciousness, an entirely new
perception of
Reality is
required; this new perception, or "new physics," is best illustrated
by Conceptual Relativity, which
is considered a Paradigm
Shift !
this Paradigm Shift ! is applied to more than scientific theory; and, as thus, it is referred to
Conceptualism . . .
an all encompassing philosophy concerning an understanding of Reality . . . and Infinity.
Conceptualism is a discipline that emphasizes scientific method, enlightenment, and
Intelligent Inquiry; and, more
specifically, it concerns Oneness and
the Unified Concept; its purpose is to liberate the
impressed minds of persons exposed to myth and superstition in the sciences;
and, thereby, establish an Intelligent Inquiry which will be conducive to
minimizing an over reliance upon blind faith; and, thereby, not only unify the
fundamental theories of physics; but, also, unify the disciplines of Science,
Theology, and Philosophy.