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Emergent Ellipse Geometry
Pythagorean Triangle Pairs (PTP)
  Construct a Pythagorean Triangle HIK
in accordance with base, side, and
 hypotenuse as indicated in the
below Table of Formulas.

Pythagorean Triangles are triangles
with a right angle; and,
all sides that are integers.

x   =  Integer (base 10)=b/2      
  Table of Formulas  

  Pythagorean Triangle  
HIK   =  Pythagorean Vector Triangle
HI   =  base (b), V-wave, (Vw) =   2x
HK   =  V-radius (Vr)=b2/4 =   x2
IK   =  V-hypotenuse (Vh)=b2/4+ =   x2+

The Pythagorean Theorem, a2 + b2 = c2,
is an an incredible coincidence of
number theory, which arises from the
Emergent Ellipsoid and
the Natural source of Mathematics.

"CLICK" top image; or,
below blue ellipse to navigate.


One must continuously ask:
Why? Why? Why?; and, Why? again.
And, realize that Fundamental Nature is the source of all Mathematics!
Summary Epsilon equals One Proof of One Inverse Square Law Elliptical Constant Duality of Infinity
Natural Function Brunardot Theorem revised Fibonacci
Challenge to Academe Pulsoid Theorem Fundamental Intrinsic Time
Salient Structural Parts Universal Locus Antimatter Heaven/God/Hell Philogic Entanglement

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