/* HTTP Host: static.ak.connect.facebook.com */
/* Generated: August 17th 2009 12:58:29 PM PDT */
/* Machine: */
* FeatureLoader.js.php is designed to be the minimal set of code necessary to
* use the Facebook Javascript API.
* The majority of the API is split into "features" which can be loaded
* separately or all at once. Most features are packaged together into
* connect.js.pkg.php, so it doesn't really matter which ones you pull in.
* @provides connect-FeatureLoader
// Create FB namespace if necessary
if (!window.FB) {
FB = {};
// Only load if this class is not already loaded
if (!FB.Bootstrap) {
FB.Bootstrap = {
* Use this to request loading of features in Facebook Client JavaScript library
* @param features array of features (see wiki for options)
* @param callback callback function to be executed when all required features
* are finished loading
requireFeatures : function(features, callback) {
// Don't do anything if this page is a cross domain channel page
if (FB.Bootstrap.isXdChannel) {
FB.Bootstrap.enqueueFeatureRequest({"features": features,
"callback": callback,
"loadedCount": 0});
if (FB.Bootstrap.FeatureMap) {
if (FB.FeatureLoader) {
} else {
* Convenient wrapper for calling Facebook API calls. Because the Facebook
* API is dynamically loaded, this guarantees that your function isn't called
* until both the libraries are loaded and initialized.
* Use in conjunction with FB.init.
* Example usage:
* FB.ensureInit ( function () {
* // ... any code in the Facebook library
* });
* @param callback function to call when Facebook is dynamically loaded.
* @throws exception if FB.init is not called within the document.
ensureInit : function(callback) {
if (!callback) {
throw("FB.ensureInit called without a valid callback");
// short-circuit if initialization has already been called
if (FB.Facebook &&
FB.Facebook.get_initialized &&
FB.Facebook.get_initialized().get_isReady() &&
FB.Facebook.get_initialized().result) {
return callback();
// if it's not already initialized, then queue it up
// by the time this callback is executed, FB.Facebook.init
// must have been called or else
FB.Bootstrap.requireFeatures(FB.Bootstrap.features, function() {
FB.Facebook.get_initialized().waitForValue(true, callback);
* This safely initializes the Facebook API for use on a Connect or iframe site.
* It is a wrapper around FB.Facebook.init, provided here so that it is available
* before the rest of the library is dynamically loaded. All subsequent calls
* must be wrapped in FB.ensureInit() in order to guarantee that the init function is
* called first.
* Example Usage:
* FB.init("API_KEY", "xd_receiver.php");
* @param api_key your API key provided by the developer app
* @param xd_receiver The cross-domain receiver file on your domain.
* Suggest using an absolute URL like "/xd_receiver.htm"
* @param appSettings Optional application settings.
init : function(api_key, xd_receiver, appSettings) {
// bind to the onload handler
FB.Bootstrap.requireFeatures(FB.Bootstrap.features, function() {
if (FB.Facebook) {
// init has changed definition by now
FB.Facebook.init(api_key, xd_receiver, appSettings);
* Dynamically add a script tag to the document.
addScript : function(src) {
var scriptElement;
// Check if we have the script loaded already
var scriptElements = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
if (scriptElements ) {
var c = scriptElements.length;
for (var i = 0; i < c; i++) {
scriptElement = scriptElements[i];
if (scriptElement.src == src) {
// Found a match
scriptElement = document.createElement("script");
scriptElement.type = "text/javascript";
scriptElement.src = src;
var parent = document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0] || document.body;
* Initialize global page, one-time setup for the cross domain channel.
* Some sites may not have a dedicated cross domain channel page, but
* use an existing page url as the channel page by using the special
* fbc_receiver=1 query parameter. This is not very performant but we
* support in cases where a dedicated channel is difficult to create.
initializeXdChannel : function () {
FB.Bootstrap.isXdChannel =
window.location.search.indexOf(FB.Bootstrap.fbc_channel_token) >= 0;
if (!FB.Bootstrap.isXdChannel) {
* Use detectDOMContentReady to determine whether window is loaded.
* Because there is no way to determine a window is loaded after it is
* already loaded, we must initialize the state to false in a code that
* will be executed before the window is loaded, then listen to the window
* load event.
* Since FeatureLoader.js.php is the only script we have that is not
* dynamically loaded, we must place this code in this file.
detectDOMContentReady : function() {
if (window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") >= 0) {
window.attachEvent("onload", function() {
FB.Bootstrap.IsDomContentReady = true;
} else {
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
FB.Bootstrap.IsDomContentReady = true;
}, false);
* Create a hidden DOM container element. This is used to store hidden
* iframes. If developers do not want the document.write to be called,
* they can create their own hidden div named "FB_HiddenContainer".
createHiddenDiv : function() {
if (document.getElementById('FB_HiddenContainer') == null) {
+ '
* Loads the map of feature => file that enables dynamic loading of JS files.
* Note that for now, these are pretty much all pointing to the same file,
* but we hope to implement some optimizations in the future to make this
* more customizable.
* @param featureMap map of feature => file
loadServerMaps : function(featureMap) {
if(!this.FeatureMap.length) {
this.FeatureMap = featureMap;
if (FB.FeatureLoader) {
* Set the locale for the loaded resources.
setLocale : function(locale, isRTL) {
window.FB.locale = locale;
window.FB.localeIsRTL = isRTL;
* Submit a given feature request for loading.
enqueueFeatureRequest : function(request) {
this.FeatureRequestQueue[this.FeatureRequestQueue.length] = request;
* For IE, we will try to detect if document.namespaces contains 'fb' already
* and add it if it does not exist.
detectDocumentNamespaces : function() {
if (document.namespaces && !document.namespaces.item['fb']) {
* If a dedicated cross domain channel url cannot be created.
* Use this function create an url based on current page by
* adding a special query string the url of the current page.
* This should be avoided unless there is other choice because
* it is not efficient.
createDefaultXdChannelUrl : function() {
var xd_receiver = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname +
location.pathname + location.search;
if(location.search || location.search.length > 0) {
xd_receiver += '&';
} else {
xd_receiver += '?';
xd_receiver += 'fbc_channel=1';
return xd_receiver;
* Global state variables
features : ["XFBML", "CanvasUtil"],
FeatureMap : [],
IsDomContentReady : false,
FeatureRequestQueue : [],
CustomFeatureMap : [],
fbc_channel_token : 'fbc_channel=1'
* Define shorthand functions for ease of use.
window.FB_RequireFeatures = FB.Bootstrap.requireFeatures;
window.FB.init = FB.Bootstrap.init;
window.FB.ensureInit = FB.Bootstrap.ensureInit;
if (!FB.HiddenContainer) {
FB.HiddenContainer = {
get: function() {
return document.getElementById('FB_HiddenContainer');
if (!window.FB) {FB = {};}
if(!FB.dynData){ FB.dynData = {"site_vars":{"canvas_client_compute_content_size_method":1,"use_postMessage":1,"enable_custom_href":0},"resources":{"base_url_format":"http:\/\/{0}.connect.facebook.com\/","api_channel":180149,"api_server":163033,"www_channel":180149,"xd_comm_swf_url":"http:\/\/static.ak.connect.facebook.com\/swf\/XdComm.swf","login_img_dark_small_short":"http:\/\/b.static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z1UCB\/hash\/2xsceaad.gif","login_img_dark_medium_short":"http:\/\/b.static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z2VTT\/hash\/7hx9pyoy.gif","login_img_dark_medium_long":"http:\/\/b.static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z3QU5\/hash\/e3ze8mte.gif","login_img_dark_large_short":"http:\/\/b.static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z1JXW\/hash\/2z9gcbuz.gif","login_img_dark_large_long":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z68SL\/hash\/60iiygum.gif","login_img_light_small_short":"http:\/\/b.static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z9OLH\/hash\/6q0yshe1.gif","login_img_light_medium_short":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z6MJW\/hash\/9cymg7nd.gif","login_img_light_medium_long":"http:\/\/b.static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z3W9M\/hash\/5naudvb1.gif","login_img_light_large_short":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z5XS9\/hash\/61bloodv.gif","login_img_light_large_long":"http:\/\/b.static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z16CL\/hash\/bv27ws94.gif","login_img_white_small_short":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z8IX1\/hash\/2a1naoz4.gif","login_img_white_medium_short":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zBUQ9\/hash\/bjzz2c6x.gif","login_img_white_medium_long":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z3OG3\/hash\/dcgjz499.gif","login_img_white_large_short":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z1FPV\/hash\/6n0u8rja.gif","login_img_white_large_long":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zEFC4\/hash\/dg0z2xns.gif","logout_img_small":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zAQ42\/hash\/b9tevzzg.gif","logout_img_medium":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zDUG0\/hash\/3g5yiwv5.gif","logout_img_large":"http:\/\/b.static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zEU9F\/hash\/921gve8r.gif"}};}
/* featureMap */ {"Base":{"src":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zDNY1\/hash\/8cx9ovtr.js","dependencies":null},"Common":{"src":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zDNY1\/hash\/8cx9ovtr.js","dependencies":["Base"]},"XdComm":{"src":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zDNY1\/hash\/8cx9ovtr.js","dependencies":["Common"]},"CacheData":{"src":"http:\/\/b.static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zO4B1\/hash\/94y4e2fx.js","dependencies":["Common","XdComm"]},"Api":{"src":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zDNY1\/hash\/8cx9ovtr.js","dependencies":["XdComm"]},"CanvasUtil":{"src":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zDNY1\/hash\/8cx9ovtr.js","dependencies":["Common","XdComm"]},"Connect":{"src":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zDNY1\/hash\/8cx9ovtr.js","dependencies":["CanvasUtil","Api"],"styleSheets":["http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z5GY4\/hash\/3x5gmvl5.css"]},"XFBML":{"src":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zDNY1\/hash\/8cx9ovtr.js","dependencies":["CanvasUtil","Api","Connect"]},"Integration":{"src":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zBUXV\/hash\/5fgk415d.js","dependencies":["Connect"]},"Comments":{"src":"http:\/\/b.static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/z67HN\/hash\/7bodfyxw.js","dependencies":["XdComm","XFBML"]},"Payments":{"src":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/zAKDF\/hash\/k09c8st1.js","dependencies":["XdComm","Connect"]}});
FB.Bootstrap.setLocale("en_US", false);/**
* NOTE - this file should be editted at
* /lib/connect/Facebook/XdComm/XdCommReceiver.js
* which will rewrite any library file connect is autogened
* @provides XdCommReceiver
* @requires
// Create FBIntern namespace if necessary
if (!window.FBIntern) {
FBIntern = {};
// Only load if this class is not already loaded
if (!FBIntern.XdReceiver) {
// XdReceiver class
FBIntern.XdReceiver = {
delay : 100,
timerId : -1,
dispatchMessage: function() {
//We don't used window.location.hash because it has different behavior on IE and Firefox.
//See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=378962
var pathname = document.URL;
var hashIndex = pathname.indexOf('#');
var hash;
if(hashIndex > 0) {
hash = pathname.substring(hashIndex + 1);
} else {
//hashIndex not found;
//Check if it's special case for login callback
hashIndex = pathname.indexOf('fb_login&');
if(hashIndex > 0) {
hash = pathname.substring(hashIndex + 9);
} else {
var debugFlag='debug=1&';
if(hash.indexOf(debugFlag) == 0) {
hash = hash.substring(debugFlag.length);
var packet_string;
var func = null;
try {
var hostWindow = window.parent;
if (hash.indexOf('fname=') == 0) {
var packetStart = hash.indexOf('&');
var frame_name = hash.substr(6, packetStart-6);
if(frame_name == "_opener") {
hostWindow = hostWindow.opener;
} else if (frame_name == "_oparen") {
hostWindow = hostWindow.opener.parent;
} else if (frame_name != "_parent") {
hostWindow = hostWindow.frames[frame_name];
packet_string = hash.substr(packetStart+1);
} else {
hostWindow = hostWindow.parent;
packet_string = hash;
func = hostWindow.FB.XdComm.Server.singleton.onReceiverLoaded;
} catch (e) {
if (e.number == -2146828218) {
//Permission denied
if(func) {
if(FBIntern.XdReceiver.timerId != -1) {
FBIntern.XdReceiver.timerId = -1;
} else {
if(FBIntern.XdReceiver.timerId == -1) {
try {
FBIntern.XdReceiver.timerId = window.setInterval(FBIntern.XdReceiver.dispatchMessage, FBIntern.XdReceiver.delay);
} catch (e) {
if (!(window.FB && FB.Bootstrap && !FB.Bootstrap.isXdChannel)) {
try {
catch(e) {