Zero. "0"     

Zero, "0" is more than an integer; or, a place holder, in the Hindu-Arabic numbering system.  Such a use for zero evolved much later than the other nine Hindu-Arabic integer symbols.

ero along with One, "1," are, also, closely related as having symbolic connotations pertaining to Infinity, the singularity.

Zero as with negative numbers was a subtle concept that appeared, and then, disappeared over centuries of time.

During these centuries when zero was an uncertainty, the greatest mathematicians of their time struggled with problems of dividing by zero, squaring zero, obtaining the square root of zero, multiplying and dividing zero by zero, etc.

The concept of zero still causes problems today; as, many people incorrectly celebrated the new millennium on January 1, 2000, which represented the passing of only 1,999 years; rather than, correctly celebrating the following year.


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